Steun dit belangrijke waterproject in Uganda

Dankzij uw steun en de bijdrage van Wilde Ganzen werd al schoon en veilig water van het Kakomeer naar de gemeenschappen Karagara en Kyeeya in Uganda geïmplementeerd. Dit bracht een enorme verbetering van de levensomstandigheden en zorgde ervoor dat er geen kinderen meer verdronken in het meer of overleden aan cholera.
Er is echter nog een gemeenschap, Ndekey, die ook grote waterproblemen heeft. Kinderen moeten gemiddeld 5 km lopen naar de dichtstbijzijnde waterbron en daardoor veel school missen. Of gebruik moeten maken van stilstaand water, dat de bron is van allerlei ziektes. Door COVID is het nog belangrijker geworden om schoon en veilig water binnen 500m te realiseren.
Wij willen hen graag helpen, maar hebben daarbij ook uw steun nodig!
Hier volgt het bericht van John Mubangizi, de projectleider in Uganda:
Karagara and Kyeeya are remote communities in Rubirizi district, Uganda, dominated by rural
peasants whose livelihood is majorly dependant on subsistence farming. Community members had had water challenges for decades. Most people used water from unclean sources, which exposed them to diseases like typhoid, cholera and diarrhea. Furthermore, fetching water was majorly a
responsibility of children who had to carry water in the morning before attending school. And because of the long distances, they reported late to schools thus missing morning classes, which severely affected school performance.
With financial support from COR-Foundation and Wilde Ganzen, extension of clean and safe water
from Lake Kako to Karagara and Kyeeya communities was implemented. Community contribution was in terms of providing land where water facilities were constructed, dug trenches for water pipes, constructed access roads and carried materials to places without possible road transport.
The money received from COR-Foundation and Wilde Ganzen was applied to buying water pipes and other plumbing materials plus construction of nine public water taps in nine villages and one tap stand for a primary school.
Provision of clean and safe water has changed the history of the people of Karagara and Kyeeya as their living conditions have tremendously improved. There is a remarkable reduction on the incidence of waterborne diseases. According to the District Health Officer, the two communities have not had any cases of drowning in the Lake and cholera attacks as had been reported
before provision of water. People access water within short distances of less than ½ kilometer from their homes, which has freed women and children from the need to travel long distances to get water and hence get extra time to attend school and other important activities like cultivation, trade and other income generating activities. Some people have used the water to start small businesses (poultry, piggery, brick-making, small scale irrigation, horticulture) for improved household income.
There is general improvement in living conditions as life has become more bearable. The burden land stress of collecting water from dangerous and difficult sources has been overcome. However, there is one more community, Ndekye I, that is water stressed with similar characteristics as those of Kyeeya and Karagara before water was provided. We pray that similar support is extended to this community. On average people (mostly children and women) walk 5km before they can access the nearest clean water source. Those who cannot manage such distance resort to stagnant dirty waters, a reason why waterborne diseases are common in this community. The threat of Covid-19 has made the situation even more complicated. The measures announced by authorities to prevent the spread of Covid-19 such as frequent hand-washing are impossible to observe as the little available water is practically preserved for cooking and drinking, leaving nothing / inadequate water for hand-washing. Water extension to this community requires a bigger pipe distribution network of 12.9 Kilometers and 12 Public Water Taps.