Stichting Kania wil mensen ondersteunen om zichzelf te kunnen helpen. Zij hebben 5 scholen geïnitieerd in de regio Conacry, met elk een partner school in Bremen. Op deze scholen wordt ook veel aandacht besteedt aan ambachtelijke vaardigheden. Samen met COR Stiftung Deutschland hebben wij zonnepanelen gedoneerd voor drie scholen.
Dit bericht ontvingen wij van Kania:
According to the aid prinziple, helping people to help themselves, the non-profit organisation Kania supports school projects in the rural region of Conacry. The project manager, Sekou Bangoura, completed his studies in Bremen with the aim of building schools suitable for the tropics in his home country Guinea. He developed a concept that includes both school and craft education.

In the meantime, 5 schools initiated by Kania have started teaching. Additional houses were built to accommodate the teachers and their families, as it is difficult to keep teachers in a school in the rural area for a long time.
Each of our schools in Guinea has a partner school in Bremen which accompanies the progress of development: The culture is tought in class and the school has the responsibility for the collection of donations.
With the help of COR three schools could be equiped with a photovoltaic system. In the evening lessons can now also take place for the adults . One focus is on hygiene/ health.
In the meantime, each village has established a village development committee to encourage personal initiative; earning money with handcraft (there is a sewing studio) and agriculture products and be able to take over the responsibility for the own school.