Met financiële steun van Stichting COR en Wilde Ganzen is in juni 2017 de aanleg van een kilometerslange waterleiding naar de Karagara community gestart. Hoewel het project nog niet volledig voltooid is, kunnen de inwoners van Karagara nu al zuiver water putten uit standkranen. Dit betekent dat de kinderen daar niet langer uren hoeven te lopen om water te halen met loodzware jerrycans.
De standkranen moeten nog worden afgewerkt met cement en beton. Dit zal in de komende maanden worden gedaan.
Dit bericht ontvingen wij van onze projectleider uit Uganda:

‘Karagara Community contribution is in terms of providing land where water facilities are being constructed, digging trenches for the water pipes, construction of access roads and carrying materials to places without possible road transport. The money received from COR-Foundation is being applied to buying of water pipes and other plumbing materials plus construction of public water taps. This project is expected to be completed in less than six months.
When this project is fully completed, peoples’ living conditions will be greatly improved. Community members will consistently access safe and clean water which will lead to a reduction on the incidence of waterborne diseases. People will access water within short distances of less than ½ kilometers from their homes, which will free women and children from the need to travel long distances to get water and hence get extra time to attend school and other important activities. Some people will use the water to start small businesses (poultry, piggery, brick making, small scale irrigation, horticulture) for improved household income.’