Ikamva Labantu kon dit jaar educatief materiaal en speelgoed aanschaffen voor pre-schools in de arme wijken van de townships, dankzij uw donaties en de vermeerdering van Wilde Ganzen. Nu hebben de begeleiders de middelen om de ontwikkeling van de jonge kinderen op een leuke en creatieve manier te stimuleren.
Dit bericht ontvingen wij van Ikamva Labantu met betrekking tot onze donatie in 2017:

‘Ikamva Labantu received a generous contribution from the COR Foundation, matched with a grant from Wilde Ganzen, to purchase educational toys and resources for pre-schools. Provision of this valuable support is part of Ikamva’s training programme for pre-school teachers in Cape Town’s townships. The training programme spans over 10 months and covers various aspects of early childhood development, equipping the teachers with knowledge and skills required to support the healthy development of children in their care.
The pre-schools in poverty-stricken township communities are desperately under resourced. From the minimal fees that parents are able to afford, the funds can only provide for teachers’ stipends and food for the children, so very little is left for anything else that the pre-school needs, such as toys, learning and other resources, repairs etc. For this reason, the investment in toys adds an enormous value to improving the learning environment for children and enabling them to optimally learn and develop through play.The packs provided to 72 pre-schools include building blocks, stacking toys, puzzles, arts and crafts materials and various other toys that stimulate early learning of numeracy and literacy. Ikamva Labantu is deeply grateful to COR Foundation and Wilde Ganzen for making this support possible, and for investing in our children here in South Africa.’